Disguise yourselves, my brothers!
Disguise yourselves, my brothers!

Who said dressing up was against morality? Anybody ! Today, as party gurus, we therefore offer you an article dedicated to the disguises of a priest, monk or nun !

Priests and religious costumes

In terms of disguises, the habit makes the monk, so to speak.

Dressing up as a priest or a monk, nothing could be simpler then, the main part of the disguise being the bure dress (for monks) or the cassock (for priests), as well as a cross, a Bible, a rosary ...

The monk / religious disguise

Of course, the disguise or costume of a monk is reserved for men, for more realism.

In the collective unconscious, monks most often wear a bure robe. The dress of bure is some kind of men's dress designed in coarse fabric, usually brown or brown in color, very simple in appearance. The top of the bure robe may or may not be integral, and most often has a hood.

Franciscan monk costume

The robe de bure evokes the material and spiritual stripping of the wearer : a monk, a shepherd, a convict. So it's easy to get a dress or make one if you have sewing skills. Your disguise will be unique.

Monk costume

The dress de bure is ideally complemented by a cord tied around the waist, as well as by a pair of sandals. You can also walk barefoot. In any case, do not especially wear socks.

A well-regarded accessory is the Bible or a missal (mass book, see below), a rosary hanging from the waist, as well as a christian cross.

The priest / priest disguise

The most common priest or priest disguises are the cassocks. The cassock looks like a bure robe but has buttons, is worn tighter and is most often black in color. At the neck, there is a white band called Roman collar.

A famous figure wearing a cassock is Don Camillo.

Priest costume in cassock

The cassock is easily completed with a cross worn as a necklace, a Bible and closed black shoes. The hat is a "plus" but is not required to be credible.

The good sister / nun disguise

Don't be surprised, most good sister costumes that you will find on the market are quite sexy, which is quite a departure from the traditional function of religious clothing.

A good sister disguise most often consists of a headdress called a cornette or veil depending on its shape., a bure robe with its cord, a cross worn as a necklace.

Good sister costume

a sexy nun costume

To be believable, avoid makeup, stockings and high heels like in the image above. You can also equip yourself with a Bible to complete this disguise.

Costume accessories

Since you are now equipped with clothes worthy of true religious, you also need the essential accessories:

- the Bible: if you don't have one, three solutions: buy one, borrow one from someone or "make" one. In the latter case, you can simply take a paperback and make a fictitious cover for it that you will have printed from pious images for example. You can also buy a "missal", the budget will be less important in this case. .

- the sandals : ditto, to buy or borrow. Black preferably, and as simple as possible. The other shoes (apart from the sandals) should preferably be closed.

- hat : it must be black in the case of a priest's disguise. For a Cardinal disguise, you can wear a red hat (soon available on the site)

Priest's hat

  • the cord to tie at the belt : it is most often provided with the disguise. If this is not the case, find a very simple cord, preferably white, or the color of the dress de bure.
  • the cross : it can be bought as a costume accessory. It can be of different sizes and colors
  • the rosary : this prayer accessory is easily found for a handful of euros

Other disguises

The disguise of Jesus

The disguise of Jesus consists of a wig with long hair, a crown of thorns (optional), a toga (long white garment), a red stole and a wooden staff.

The gown and stole can be made from plain fabric or from sheets.

Jesus Christ costume

You can complete it with sandals, or walk barefoot if the ground permits. Do not take a Bible as an accessory because it was written after the death of Jesus Chris: not very realistic therefore.

The angel costume

The angel costume is simple : a white garment, a pair of wings and a halo. To buy or to make yourself.

This disguise has the advantage of being adaptable, for men or women. For the halo, we advise you to fake it by hiding phosporescent bracelets there, guaranteed effect in the dark or the half-light of a fancy dress party!

Angel costume

It's your turn

All you have to do is take action. Visit our fancy dress department by clicking below:

  • religious disguise men
  • religious disguise women

The article Disguise yourselves, my brothers! appeared first on Party Decorations.

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