Wedding games: knowledge of the bride and groom
Wedding games: knowledge of the bride and groom

Today we offer you a new game idea to liven up your wedding.

Dance of the bride and groom

This is a game of questions, asked by the wedding leaders to 10 candidates. The questions concern the bride and groom and the winner will be the one who knows them best.

Sample questions

  • who makes the important decisions in the couple?
  • who gets up (ra) at night if the child cries / cries?
  • who goes out with their friends the most?
  • who does the dishes ?
  • who proposed the other in marriage?
  • who had the most boyfriends before they met?
  • who watches TV the most?
  • who spends the most time in the bathroom?
  • who spends the most?
  • who hit on the other first?
  • who has the biggest salary?

Game participants can respond either with placards "Him", "she", or "both", or each in turn raising their hand, which is why a facilitator must be present. You can also form teams of several players (men, women, cousins, etc.).

Bride and groom leaving a church

The winner (s) of the game can (wind) be awarded different prices, invitation to the restaurant or to the bride and groom, nice WE all together, etc.

Losers get pledges or services to be rendered to the bride and groom (see our article on service game for some ideas).

See you soon for more wedding game ideas!

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